Updated: June 3, 2024
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Want a million dollars? Yes! Are you ready for a consistent string of million-dollar days? Yes! Ready to shift the entire way you think about making money and spending your time? Whoah — not so fast!

Realtors are constantly on the lookout for ways to generate more business and increase profit. So many real estate agents measure success in sales and leaderboards with plaques and titles. Some believe that being able to experience the magical million-dollar day is the key to their success. Others argue that it’s not important to hit an exact number but instead to focus on consistently delivering quality service.

The jury is out on one definitive answer for making it to the top of the boards. Still, it’s an exciting topic to explore. ​​Most mentors instill a combo approach to long-term success involving big investments, bigger risks, and hope for the biggest payoffs possible. What do you think? And would you change your mind if I told you that you could have a million-dollar day as soon as TOMORROW?

If you’re still on the fence about the true secret to success, keep reading to find out how you can turn any day into a million-dollar day.

Time Is Money

That is a fact. Whether you’re paid by the hour, day, week, month, or year, sale, contract, piece, or the whole pie – time is something you must account for in your job. People always want more time and money, but they never seem to have enough of either. In fact, many people often end up spending more time than they expected because they don’t realize how much time has already passed. This can lead to problems because not only do you waste time, but you also lose money in the process. That’s what is referred to as a lose-lose situation, and while no one wants it, people do very little to deliberately plan for win-win days.

Procrastination Kills Progress

Procrastination is the number one reason people have less time and less money. According to a study published in “The Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions,” procrastination costs individuals an estimated average of $8,500 per year, AND it takes up more than one hour a day, on average. People often spend more time and money investing in quick fixes that promise more focus and less distraction to overcome procrastination. Meanwhile, the study’s authors suggest that the same interventions targeting procrastination could save people time and money in the long run. In the short term, these investments are just as costly as procrastination itself.

Money Is Time 

Here’s the big idea behind Mark Hover’s “Million Dollar Day.” You set yourself up for success by seeing your priorities and obligations as, essentially, ways to pay your future self. It’s a mindset shift. The question he asks is, “If you made a list of EVERYTHING in your ENTIRE life that you have been procrastinating on (yes, everything) and someone said they’d give you ONE MILLION DOLLARS if you could complete the list in 24 hours — do you think you could do it?” Could you?

More Money Mindset

Tricky question, right? Maybe you could, maybe you couldn’t — so what gives? The million-dollar day has little to do with what you actually get done and more with what happens to your way of thinking. The minute you start shifting your mindset from getting things done because you have to into getting things done because you want to be more successful, you’re on to something. Here’s what happens:

  1. The more you do it, the more things you get done. 
  2. The more you get done, the more successful you are. 
  3. The more successful you are, the more money you make. 
  4. And again and again …

Reinventing Your Future 

Simply put, successful realtors reach their financial goals the easiest way when provided with all the necessary resources to make intelligent and informed decisions. The Million Dollar Day book provides users with access to essential resources: tools to generate and build wealth (and contain a wealth of information), articles on budgeting, investing, and tips on retirement planning now. The site also offers chat rooms, a forum, and a calculator that helps users figure out their net worth and connect with a community of people who are learning the same tactics along the way. Support is one sure way to stay accountable, so having a community of like-minded people to celebrate the ups and rebuild from the downs is smart.

A Million Dollar Mindset 

A million-dollar day is precisely what all new realtors need to shift to the successful realtor mindset. In 24 hours, you’ll finish the things you’ve been putting off, get organized, and stay on top of your work. By taking this approach, you can ensure you are making the most of your work time and meeting the goals you have set for yourself. So if you want to be more productive, consider using this strategy. Get to this kind of million-dollar day first, and you’ll be well on your way to the other kind of million-dollar day.

About the Author Meleah Jones

Hi, my name is Meleah Jones and I'm on a mission to help motivated realtors just like you! With 20 years in the real estate business, I've been blessed to build a powerful network of people and resources to help build your confidence and legacy in the real estate industry.

I won't stop until you're no longer just surviving but thriving in the real estate market.

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